Thursday, August 14, 2014

After some time

Uhh... It's been a while :) Stuff has changed.

I am back in Lithuania, at least for now. Not planning to go back to UK, unless a chance to go to competition there, comes up. Now I'm happily trying to pursue all I want here, in Lithuania.

First of all, huge thanks to my and Lithuanian Climbing Team new sponsors: Nihil Climbing and Mad Rock.

Since I like writing more about my climbing rather than my personal life, it is not that revealing, I will do just that. :)

My trainings have changed, a lot since the UK trainings. Climbing facilities are more accessible in here for me, so I decided instead of making few long, hard trainings to do shit loads of easier ones.
Trainings in Scala Dream, Klaipeda

For the first time since the preparation for the Millau world cup I put my plan on paper and oh god how awesome that is. It gives so much motivation and becomes a duty (only if you want that). So those days when you can't think of everything else but just laying in bed and watching 'friends' season 7 for the 10th time, you know you still have to do a 30mins or 1hour training. So I get UP, go and DO IT. :) And getting up at 6am before work or anything else to do the training is no longer a problem.

Here what I have been doing for the last 6 weeks (power endurance):
Monday/Thursday - (when I supposed to feel the strongest) C-Webb hanging program in the morning and evening - either pull ups on good edge or 1x easy campusing for 1 hour. In between exercises i give ~2-3mins rest.
Tuesday/Friday - Push ups, or anything else for triceps in the morning. Climbing and dead hangs in the evening.
Wednesday/weekend - cardio (jogging, basketball, frisbee, football, cycling...) and core.
Tuesday/Thursday - YOGA!!
Really suggest to try out yoga for everyone. It is awesome, for climbing, flexibility, fitness and especially mentality. If you dedicate your mind 100% for that yoga session, you will know what I mean. :)

And I have done that for the past 6 weeks and fulfilled 80-90% of it. The next week is just climbing and enjoying week. A
fter that 6 weeks of pure power. :) can't wait. I'll write about that later on. Basically I am now preparing both for Autumn and Spring seasons. I will do something similar again from January and hopefully will be preparing for a world cup or two :)

See ya sooon. :)